Thank you for visiting our website.
Please feel free to browse our online tack store, where we sell a wide range of horsemanship items, including "grass affects" equine supplements, halters, leads, reins, bitless bridles, treeless saddles & saddle pads, natural equine remedies, barefoot hoof trimming tools, hoof boots and more.
We also share what we have learned about donkeys, ponies and horses over the many years of caring for a large group of rescue horses and helping thousands of horses in the community, which can be found in our
equine health and horsemanship articles.
Our team continues to care for a herd of special needs horses at our sanctuary, who are an eclectic and loveable bunch of equines of all sizes and breeds. We hope you will join us in our ongoing journey with them whilst you get to know them and enjoy watching their lovable antics during your time with us.